The Information Age
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A growing number of teachers,
parents and health experts who believe that smartphones are now partly to
blame for increasing the levels of student anxiety. The use of electronic devices
is so widespread that the National Education Association newsletter said it
was a “mental health tsunami.” Tests, after-school
activities and problems at home can increase stress for students. But
research now suggests that smartphones and social media are some of the main
reasons for the rising anxiety levels. Jean Twenge is a psychology
professor at San Diego State University in California. Twenge said it is not
a coincidence that youth mental health issues have risen with the number of
phones. “What a lot of teens told me is that social media and their phones
feel mandatory,” she said. This use of phones has led to a loss of sleep and
face-to-face interactions necessary for their mental well-being. Last year, an editorial in
the journal Pediatrics proposed that doctors ask young patients about their
social media use as part of routine exams. Three researchers wrote that too
much social media use might “contribute to the development of mental health
disturbance in at-risk teenagers, such as feelings of isolation, depressive
symptoms, and anxiety.” Researchers are still not
sure whether phones cause student depression or depression causes phone use.
Yet 70 percent of teens see anxiety and depression as major problems among
their peers, according to a February Pew Research Center report. Nearly 60 percent of parents
said they worry about the influence of social media on their child’s physical
and mental health. That number comes from the American Psychological
Association’s 2017 Stress in America survey. Schools are starting to take
steps to deal with the problem. Many public schools pay outside companies to
watch students’ social media activity for signs of c. Others invite in yoga
teachers and comfort dogs to help calm students. Some schools have organized
#unplugged events – days in which people do not use their electronic devices.
Belfast Area High School in Maine had one such event in April. Less than 20
percent of students and school employees took part, demonstrating the
influence that the technology has on their daily lives. Some parents are not letting
their children get smartphones until they grow up. Western New York yoga
teacher Erin Schifferli says her 12-year-old daughter, Aeva, won’t get a
phone until she is 16 years old. Adapted from: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/schools-stress-and-smartphones/4954464.html |