** words related to utensils and a banquet setup; ** asking and answering questions related to a banquet.Reading
banquet will host forty-six quests. It will begin at 10:00 a.m. , have a break
at 11:30 a.m., and end at 2 p.m. The quest request that the room lights be set to
normal and the temperature set at 72 degrees.
In the
front of the room, there will be ahead table that will seat six quests. Use the
black tablecloth and gold skirt cover the table. Set up the table with the two centerpieces
that the quests have supplied, two pitchers of the water, two candy dishes, and
six glasses, pads and pens. We need to place a flip chart and colored marker at
the left side of the table,
Set up
five round tables with eight chairs and each table. Use black tablecloth and
set up each table with a centerpieces. Two water pitches, two candy dishes, and
eight glasses, pads and pens.
At the
11: 30 break we will set up for lunch. Each table will need complete settings:
napkins, silverware, plates, glasses, coffee cups and the standard condiments.
Refill the water and take away any dirty glasses or garbage left on the tray set
up around the room.
will begin at 2:30 p.m. for the next set up. Remember to wear your back supports
and to use the dolly when moving things.