Wealth and Prosperity
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richest 62 people on earth now have the same wealth as the poorest 3.6
billion, according to a report from Oxfam. Five years ago, the majority of
wealth was in the hands of 388 individuals. As the global population
increased by around 400 million people, the wealth of the poorest half of the
world has fallen by 41 percent - a drop of about $1 trillion. That means more
money, assets and wealth shifted to fewer people. Oxfam
is an aid organization working to fight poverty and hunger around the world.
The group reported that women are more affected than men by inequality. The
majority of low paid workers around the world are women. Just nine of the
richest 62 individuals are women, the aid group says. It said the differences
between the very rich and everyone else has widened over the past 12 months.
It said Oxfam predicted last year “the 1 percent would soon own more than the
rest of us.” The
use of tax shelter Oxfam
considers tax shelters for the wealthy the biggest problem. The group said
“rich individuals and companies” hide their wealth in countries where they
can pay less tax on their earnings. This is tax money that governments need to
tackle poverty and inequality. It is simply unacceptable that the poorest
half of the world’s population owns no more than a few dozen super-rich
people who could fit onto one bus. The report said about $7.6 trillion of
individual wealth is kept in “offshore” banks. They give the wealthy a rate
of return on their investments that is higher than the economic growth rate
in many countries. Oxfam
said taxes on the wealthiest income would add an extra $190 billion to
governments every year. As much as 30 percent of all African financial wealth
is estimated to be held offshore, costing an estimated $14 billion in lost
tax revenues every year. This is enough money to pay for healthcare for
mothers and children in Africa that could save 4 million children’s lives a
year, and employ enough teachers to get every African child into school. The
report comes a few days before the World Economic Forum opens in Davos,
Switzerland. The WEF is a non-profit organization. It invites about 2,500
business leaders, politicians, thinkers and journalists to discuss issues
like world poverty and economic growth. Talk among world leaders about the
escalating inequality crisis has so far not translated into concrete action. The
world has become a much more unequal place and the trend is accelerating. We cannot
continue to allow hundreds of millions of people to go hungry while resources
that could be used to help them are sucked up by those at the top. Oxfam
noted that had inequality within countries not grown between 1990 and 2010,
an extra 200 million people would have escaped poverty. It said governments
should “recover the missing billions lost to tax havens” to pay for
healthcare, schools and other public services for the general public. Governments
should move minimum wage rates “towards a living wage” and tackle “the pay
gap between men and women.” The
richest can no longer pretend their wealth benefits everyone – their extreme
wealth in fact shows an ailing global economy. The recent explosion in the
wealth of the super-rich has come at the expense of the majority and particularly
the poorest people. Oxfam said global wealth was calculated by Credit Suisse
Global Wealth Datebook (2013 and 2014) and Forbes’ billionaires list
published in March. Not
everyone agrees with the report The
Institute for Economic Affairs in London called the numbers in the report
meaningless and misleading. Global capitalism has eradicated poverty and
generated prosperity in the developing world at an unprecedented rate. What
the Oxfam report is complaining about isn’t very important and we’ve already
solved it anyway. We don’t actually need to do anything therefore, need no
public policy over something we’ve already solved. ... Global demographics
are such that the global labor force is going to shrink from now on. Thus the
return to labor will rise. We’re done.” Retrieved January 2, 2020 from https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/sixty-two-people-own-most-of-worlds-wealth/3153236.html |