** Use ‘should’ and ‘should not’ to make suggestions ** Describe feeling and well ** beingReading
It is very important to stay healthy when you are reaching your retirement. Therefore, I would like to share the seven habits for living longer. These seven habits are very effective to keep you as healthy as younger people. Please see the list below.
1. Eating breakfast every morning. Breakfast is very important to start your day.
2. Avoiding snacks between meals. Snacks are not necessary foods, but they can make you fat easily.
3. Keeping an ideal weight. Being fit is very important, so be careful with your diet.
4. Doing regular exercise. Build up a habit of doing exercise, so you can feel strong and active.
5. Sleeping 7-8 hours per night. Enough sleep will make you feel good throughout the day.
6. Not smoking. If you smoke, you will destroy your lung and other people lungs.
7. Drinking two or fewer alcoholic drinks per day. If you drink too much, your liver will be weak, and you will have a lot of diseases.
Hopefully, you will do your best to practice these seven habits, so that you can live longer and be healthy.
Dr. Linda John