Childhood Memories
I wish / if only Review of past tenses Phrasal verbsReading
Something happens to many children when
they are out of school over the summer months. It is called the “summer
slide.” This may sound like a ride at a water park. But it’s not. Summer
slide is when children forget much of what they learned during the latest
school year. To fight the effects of summer slide, teachers often give
students homework over the summer. Many parents may send children to camp or
find other activities to keep them learning. As the new school year begins, most
children are soon very busy with new classes and school-related activities.
However, experts say keeping children busy all the time is not good for them.
What should parents do instead? Helping children succeed is one of the issues
Lea Waters has been researching for over 20 years. Waters is a psychologist –
an expert on human behavior. "It's a little bit like, if you have
too many programs running on your computer, your computer starts to slow
down. And when you shut down those programs, your computer speeds up again.
It's very much like that for a child's brain." Machines need to be
reset, while kids need to goof off. "Goofing off is really allowing kids
to have some downtime, where they’re not focused on a specific task --
something that they choose to do like shooting baskets, or doing a creative
project, cooking. It's a project they're interested in doing that they can do
more automatically and get enjoyment from." She adds that goofing off does not mean the
brain isn’t working. "It goes into this default network mode and uses
that time to process all the information it had during the day, to integrate
new information. It makes a kind of decision about what information do I keep
and put into my memory, what information do I not need and I get rid of. It's
also an essential network for helping us to develop emotional intelligence,
to consolidate a memory, to develop a sense of identity..." "In working with parents around the
world on this strength-based parenting approach, one of the common questions
that I get is, ‘Once I identify the strength of my children, what do I need
to do to build up these strengths?' In that question is often a misconception
that, as a parent, the way we build up our children's strength is to get them
into extra tutoring, get them into kind of every class possible..." Parents
often mean well by wanting to keep their child busy. But the result is often
a tired child with an overcrowded schedule. This keeps a child’s brain active
-- learning, gathering information and preparing for the next event. And this
may have the opposite effect the parents are hoping for. "Sure, practice builds up strength,
but so does downtime. One of the “counter-intuitives” that we're finding in
the field of neuroscience is that if you're constantly on task, if you're
constantly practicing, in the end it doesn't help to build up a skill or a
strength as effectively as you might think." Those two systems, or
modes, she noted are known as “on-task focus” and “free-form attention.” The on-task focus is about observing and
understanding one's environment. That happens, for example, when you play
sports. But the other mode is activated when you are resting. "You need
to be watching other people on your team, and running fast and coordinating
your motions, and reacting to the things you're perceiving. And then, there
is another network that's extremely important for being able to make meaning
out of what you're doing. And that network seems to be deactivated when
people are sort of playing sports and attending to the outside. And it's
activated when you're resting and just daydreaming, when you’re thinking
about your memories and imagining things that don't exist here and now. You
need those two modes of attention in order to function as a person in the
world." Retrieved January 15, 2020 from https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/health-lifestyle-goofing-off/4005579.html |